Jewelry Care
Picture this, you are all set to step out for the party & in the last minute you feel your hair needs a tinge more of that hair spray. While you spray it, a spritz of it deposits on your gorgeous earrings. We all know what happens next! To avoid this, your jewelry needs to be kept away from any source of moisture be it face mists, perfumes, moisturizers etc. You should also not wear your jewelry while bathing or gymming because water & sweat can both ruin your jewelry. Also do not use any chemicals to clean your jewelry as it may cause tarnishing.
Always store your jewelry in separate zip locks so that they do not rub against each other and discolor. Layered pendants and earrings, tassels and pom pom jewelry should not be folded and kept so that they retain their shape. If need be, you can wipe your jewelry gently with a soft cloth or cotton after every use to ensure their longevity.
Apart from being difficult to detangle, entangling of chains also results in tarnishing. To save yourself all the extra effort, you need to first drop the pendant in the zip-lock bag and then let the chain go in with only the lock and extensions out, zipping close the bag. This way, when you need to wear the chain, it will be easy to remove without any knots.
No matter how much we love our baubles, we need to give them a break Continuous usage of your favourite jewelry also leads to earlier wear and tear of either the metal or stones.